Sunday, March 22, 2020

UVa - 10625 - GNU = GNU’sNotUnix

Link to pdf version on UVa OJ

As you see in the problem description we have up to 10 rules, and at each step a character is replaced with the corresponding word. For example N->Not means at each step we look at the current word and we replace all 'N's with "Not".

What happened on my mind : First I was trying to find some kind of solution like finding n-th sentence of Fibonacci, like the matrix multiplication or something. Then I drew the underlying graph of the first test case.
After that the solution started to show itself to me. Let's say we are at G and we want to count the number of 's' after 5 step. All of a sudden I defined this function and tried to explore whether it makes sense or not.

Let's say target is fixed (per query), then:
f(c, step) : counts the number of occurrences of target after step steps, starting from c.

f(c, step) = f(c1, step-1) + f(c2, step-1) + ... + f(ck, step-1) + count( target, rule[c] )

So I could define f(c, step) based on smaller subproblems. By now I was sure I need to solve this using Dynamic Programming. I was just defining different things needed for a DP solution. After finding the recursion formula (which is the harder part in a DP solution) I checked for base case, when step = 0, it means this is what we have, we only have c and we cannot recurse any more. So if c equals target we return 1 otherwise we return zero.

And this is the top-down solution with memoization. Since dp is unsigned long long, I couldn't fill it with -1 (when a state is -1 it shows that this subproblem has not been solved yet), so I used a parallel boolean 2d array to know whether a subproblem has been solved or not. For more details look at the code on github.

Link to my own code on github

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