Sunday, October 17, 2010

10226 - Hardwood Species - UVA

Data Structures - STL map or set

In this problem you will read some tree names from input and must count the number of trees and at the end print the percentage of trees.
What can we do? We read tree names one by one, when reading a tree name, you have to increment the number of that tree counted till now, so you have to find the index of that tree to increment it. If you use linear search to find the index you will get a TLE (Time Limit Exceeded), so you have to use a binary search. using set or map data structures that have a binary search with them is appropriate. MAPs and SETs are always sorted.
I use a map data structure from string to int and each time I read a tree name I increment the counter of that tree.

map mp;
while( getline( cin, tree ), tree != "" )
mp[tree] ++;
total ++;
and at the end I print (each counter/total).

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