Wednesday, August 26, 2009

291 - The House Of Santa Claus - UVA


Another backtracking problem. As you can see in the problem description you are not allowed to pass each edge twice. ( Euler tour in lexicographical order )
I make an adjacency matrix, and a boolean matrix for marking the edges I have visited till now.
int mat[6][6];
bool mark[6][6];

Then I start backtracking from node 1 and each time checking whether to continue from current node or not I check ( mark[cur][i] == false && mat[cur][i] == 1 ) and then mark this edge to true and keep on backtracking. I have a variable d which denotes the depth of the backtracking whenever it reaches 9 I completely print the tour I have saved.

1 comment:

  1. hey dude, this hint is very good. it's useful for me.
    keep good work.


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